

Chair: Chuck Naylor


President: Ashleigh Stone

Vice President: Megan Moghtaderi

Secretary: Brendan Le

Treasurer: Kamilah Holmes

Criminal Law

Chair: Randall Fudge


Co-Chairs: Shari Anhalt & Minh Do

The Family Law Section of Long Beach is committed to the community and the practice of family law. Local community practitioners in the area dedicate their time and skill to volunteer weekly as a Daily Settlement Officer to mediate cases at the Long Beach and Compton Courthouse. The Family Law Section also host MCLE events and an end of year celebration. Join us today and be a part of group of an amazing skilled group of practitioners.

LGBTQ+ Attorneys and Allies

President: Roy Jimenez


Chair: Jon Alban

The Estate Planning, Probate, and Trust Law Section provides its members with continuing education, social events, and opportunities to network and engage with others who practice in the areas of estate planning, probate, and trusts. 

Members are enrolled in the Section’s list serve and receive announcements regarding Section meetings and updates by e-mail. Members can utilize the list serve for advice, assistance, and referrals on matters related to estate planning, probate, and trusts. 

Workers Compensation

Co-Chairs: Denise Kuper & Paula Wilson

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